1. Pre-assessment questionnaire [WATERVERSE Project Pilots]
Learn waterverse pipelines better so they can be used in Finnish pilot better. |
To seamlessly integrate our own tools, data analysis procedures, and deployment of models to support the creation of digital twins. |
How can an operator from Water Utility use the provided tools of the WDME |
I am primarily interested in having access to pragmatically useful tools in an industry context. Successful implementation of WDME against UK Pilot Use Case. |
the ways of working in WDME |
potential of waterverse for rws results from the pilot: what's in it for rws. |
Innovative solutions for water management. |
Learn about the lessons learnt from WATERVERSE WDME for similar initiatives that my organisation may undertake; Learn about the lessons learnt from WATERVERSE WDME for collaborations between water organisations with respect to information sharing |
Managing the balance between data exposure/sharing and data protection |
I wish to learn more about Waterverse. I have a legal background I am interested in how data collection can be used. |
How data can be saved in a save way, how it can be shared, how it can be downloaded. Also want to learn how you can upload data and how it's being automatically cleaned. |
How the WDME and specifically the data sharing part is going to be realised. |
The uptake of solutions by end-users |
get a feeling of what the potential is of data in managing and controling the treatment process for a drinking water company using data |
I want to use it for my innovation projects |
How we can fully utilize the Watereverse and expand it to fully meet end-user needs. |
Learn more the whole data pipeline. |
Learn how to better assist PWN in my role as an external Data Scientist |
potential application to assure future water availability for water utilities, potential application of tools in other aspects of my work at water research institute |
the feedback of the end users about the tool I have developed |
Explore the set-up of the WDME. See it possibilities and ways to improve it. |
To see and learn how to implement all the activities for a pilot |
How well this pilot is evolving |
Very well organised sessions. Feedback from people who are not involved in the developing of WDME |
How does the platform works, what are the possibilities, who are using the platform, how is data quality guarenteed, who is managing the platform, what kind of background do you need to use the platform. |
Knowledge and skills. |
To see how this tool can benefit PWN What PWN has to improve to provide quality into this tool |
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Showcase the ability of our tools and learn the requirements from end-users to make the tools and offerings better and relevant. |
I want be able to use relevant tools in my work environment |
The details about the CY pilot |
Data collection and harmonise heterogeneous data. How to process the data via WDME tools and how to share the data with external stakeholders. |
organize and processing data |
How to manage data in a safe and standard way. |
See the water data spaces in practice |
How to use Waterverse tools |
the performance of the tools I helped to develop and possible tweeks and upgrades needed |
A general overview of the current status and future prospects of the Waterverse project |
The potential capabilities and understand through realistic examples the impact of the utilization of various WATERVERSE tools |
To see how WDME can be implemented for this pilot. Specifically I am interested in the implementation combined with other tools, e.g. the flood modelling tool |
How WDME can support Etteln |
How WATERVERSE can assist Ettlen municipality in establishing a Flood prediction warning alarm system and in general its digitalisation process. |
How can we set up a water data management system within our own company, and how can we link it to the WDME |
what upgrades or enhancements can be done to the tool I am developing |
To understand the data management needs for a unique yet highly relevant pilot such as the German use case. Where a digital twin has been established, various IoT sensors are in place and citizens are involved in as well. |
The specific use cases for the German Pilot. |
I am particularly interested in the implementation of WDME with external tools, e.g. the flood modelling tool |
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- how the wdme can help with flood warning and to overcome the known challenges without wdme |
I want to see how the data will be collected and managed in the WDME. |