1. Pre-assessment questionnaire [WATERVERSE Project Pilots]

CSV downloadExports results in CSV that can be imported back into the current webform.HTML-tabelExports results as an HTML table.JSON-documentenResultaten exporteren als JSON-documenten.Karaktergescheiden tekstExports results as delimited text file.PDF-documentenResultaten exporteren als PDF-documentenYAML-documentenResultaten exporteren als YAML-documenten.
If checked, all entity references will use the entity's UUID
If checked, the download file extension will be change from .html to .xls.
Used to create unique file names for exported submissions.
Dit is het scheidingsteken dat wordt gebruikt in het CSV/TSV-bestand bij het downloaden van webformulierresultaten. Het gebruik van tabs in de export is de meest betrouwbare methode om niet-Latijnse tekens te behouden. Mogelijk wilt u dit wijzigen in een ander teken, afhankelijk van het programma waarmee u verwacht resultaten te importeren.
If checked, the generated file's carriage returns will be compatible with Excel and a marker flagging the data as UTF-8 will be added at the beginning.
Used to create unique file names for exported submissions.
Used to create unique file names for exported submissions.
Element opties
Dit scheidingsteken wordt gebruikt als een element meerdere waardes heeft.
Formaat kolomkop
Choose whether to show the element label or element key in each column header.
Opties voor keuzelijsten, keuzerondjes en selectievakjes
Opmaakopties één waarde
Elementen die een enkele optiewaarde verzamelen, zijn onder meer keuzemenu's, keuzebolletjes en knoppen.
Opmaakopties meerdere waardes
Elementen die meerdere optiewaarden verzamelen, zijn onder meer meervoudige keuze, keuzevakjes en schakelaars.
Opmaakopties item
Entity reference options
Entity reference format
The selected columns will be included in the export.
Titel Naam Datumtype/Elementtype
Serienummer serial integer
ID inzending sid integer
Inzending UUID uuid uuid
Inzending URI uri string
Aangemaakt created created
Voltooid completed timestamp
Gewijzigd changed changed
Concept in_draft boolean
Huidige pagina current_page string
Extern IP-adres remote_addr string
Ingediend door uid entity_reference
Taal langcode language
Formulier webform_id entity_reference
Verzonden naar: Entiteitstype entity_type string
Verzonden naar: Entiteits-ID entity_id string
Vergrendeld locked boolean
Vastgeplakt (sticky) sticky boolean
Notities notes string_long
I have read the above statements and I hereby provided my explicit consent. consent_1 checkbox
[Optional] I agree that my personal data can be used for contacting me in the context of inviting me in future events of interest, related to the WATERVERSE. consent_2 checkbox
Full name: participant_name textfield
Date of consent: date_consent date
Pilot site/country pilot_site select
Affiliated Organisation affiliated_organisation textfield
Type of affiliated organisation: type_of_affiliated_organisation_ webform_checkboxes_other
Email [optional]: email email
Telephone [optional]: telephone textfield
6. Education level: education_level select
7. During my studies I have completed courses relevant to any of the below: completed_courses webform_checkboxes_other
8. I have professional experience in the subjects below: professional_experience webform_checkboxes_other
9. Years of professional experience in the water sector: years_experience select
10. I am currently working in a water organisation: currently_water_organisation select
11. I am fully aware of the terms “data management” and “data analysis”. question_11 webform_scale
12. I am aware of WATERVERSE and the relevant tools. question_12 webform_scale
13. I am aware of the data harmonization needs. question_13 webform_scale
14. I am aware of the data anonymization needs. question_14 webform_scale
15. I am aware of data cleaning needs. question_15 webform_scale
16. I am familiar with digital twins. question_16 webform_scale
17. I have used tools similar to the ones offered by WATERVERSE in water or in other domains/applications: question_17 select
18. I am interested in this pilot exercise because: question_18 webform_checkboxes_other
19. What I hope to learn and take away from this pilot is: question_19 textarea
If checked, the export file will be automatically download to your local machine. If unchecked, the export file will be displayed as plain text within your browser.
Order submissions by ascending (oldest first) or descending (newest first).
If checked, only starred/flagged submissions will be downloaded. If unchecked, all submissions will downloaded.
Submission state
Archive options
Select the archive file type for submission file uploads and generated documents.

Funding Support Agencies

EU funding support flag
EU structural funds flag
flag of Republic of Cyprus
CY structural funds
CY Research and Innovation Foundation