2b. Pilot Feedback - Technical (ICT support personnel) [WATERVERSE Project Pilots]

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Wird verwendet, um eindeutige Dateinamen für exportierte Eingaben zu erstellen.
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Optionen Elementformat
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Titel Name Datumstyp/Elementtyp
Seriennummer serial integer
Eingaben-ID sid integer
UUID der Webformular-Eingabe uuid uuid
URI der Webformular-Eingabe uri string
Erstellt created created
Abgeschlossen completed timestamp
Geändert changed changed
Ist Entwurf in_draft boolean
Aktuelle Seite current_page string
Remote-IP-Adresse remote_addr string
Erstellt von uid entity_reference
Sprache langcode language
Webformular webform_id entity_reference
Eingereicht an: Entitätstyp entity_type string
Eingereicht an: Entitäts-ID entity_id string
Gesperrt locked boolean
am Anfang von Listen sticky boolean
Hinweise notes string_long
I have read the above statements and I hereby provided my explicit consent. consent_1 checkbox
[Optional] I agree that my personal data can be used for contacting me in the context of inviting me in future events of interest, related to the WATERVERSE. consent_2 checkbox
Full name: participant_name textfield
Date of consent: date_consent date
Pilot site/country pilot_site select
Affiliated Organisation affiliated_organisation textfield
Type of affiliated organisation: type_of_affiliated_organisation_ webform_checkboxes_other
Email [optional]: email email
Telephone [optional]: telephone textfield
1. The WATERVERSE WDME (system) offers a big range of functionality with regards to data management, processing, storage, analytics and visualisations. question_1 webform_scale
2. The quality of the system satisfies my expectations. question_2 webform_scale
3. I believe the system performs as expected in terms of functional and non-functional specifications. question_3 webform_scale
4. I believe the system offers a good variety of means to collect water related data. question_4 webform_scale
5. I believe the system offers high quality and robust interoperability features. question_5 webform_scale
6. I believe the system has been designed and developed with usability in its core. question_6 webform_scale
7. I believe the system is portable to new hardware environments. question_7 webform_scale
8. I believe the system offers a good range of visualisation means. question_8 webform_scale
9. I believe I could develop additional services to be integrated in the system. question_9 webform_scale
10. I believe the system will greatly facilitate the technical processes of the organisation. question_10 webform_scale
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Funding Support Agencies

EU funding support flag
EU structural funds flag
flag of Republic of Cyprus
CY structural funds
CY Research and Innovation Foundation