3. Pilot Feedback - Long [WATERVERSE Project Pilots]

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URI der Webformular-Eingabe uri string
Erstellt created created
Abgeschlossen completed timestamp
Geändert changed changed
Ist Entwurf in_draft boolean
Aktuelle Seite current_page string
Remote-IP-Adresse remote_addr string
Erstellt von uid entity_reference
Sprache langcode language
Webformular webform_id entity_reference
Eingereicht an: Entitätstyp entity_type string
Eingereicht an: Entitäts-ID entity_id string
Gesperrt locked boolean
am Anfang von Listen sticky boolean
Hinweise notes string_long
I have read the above statements and I hereby provided my explicit consent. consent_1 checkbox
[Optional] I agree that my personal data can be used for contacting me in the context of inviting me in future events of interest, related to the WATERVERSE. consent_2 checkbox
Full name: participant_name textfield
Date of consent: date_consent date
Pilot site/country pilot_site select
I participate in this pilot exercise with the role: participant_pilot_role select
Affiliated Organisation affiliated_organisation textfield
Type of affiliated organisation: type_of_affiliated_organisation_ webform_checkboxes_other
Email [optional]: email email
Telephone [optional]: telephone textfield
The functionality of the tool with regards to the user requirements is complete. question_1 webform_scale
The implementation of data and information transfers through the interface functions is correct. question_2 webform_scale
Low frequency of failures to exchange data between the component and other involved components/tools. question_3 webform_scale
No deviation between the actual and reasonably expected results. question_4 webform_scale
Low frequency of encountering inaccurate results/behaviour. question_5 webform_scale
functional_suitability_average functional_suitability_average webform_computed_twig
The component/tool was operational and available when required for use. question_6 webform_scale
The component/tool satisfied user needs for using it under normal operation. question_7 webform_scale
I felt that the component/tool’s functionality was giving expected results and at expected time. question_8 webform_scale
Low frequency of breaks of the component/tool. question_9 webform_scale
Low degree of appearance of failures/faults during the testing/evaluation period. question_10 webform_scale
When a failure occurred, no much time was required before gradual start-up of the component/tool. question_11 webform_scale
Sufficient capability of the involved functionality in restoring itself after an abnormal event or at request. question_12 webform_scale
reliability_average reliability_average webform_computed_twig
I am able to recognise whether the component/tool is appropriate for fulfilling my requirements. question_13 webform_scale
Within a reasonable time of training, I felt confident in using the tool with effectiveness, efficiency, freedom from risk and satisfaction in the specified context of use. question_15 webform_scale
The component/tool offers features that make it easy to operate and control. question_16 webform_scale
I am able to control the tool and its operation is within my expectations. question_17 webform_scale
The component/tool has sufficient attractiveness of the user interface. question_18 webform_scale
A sufficiently high proportion of the user interface elements could be customised to my satisfaction. question_19 webform_scale
The component/tool offered sufficient support in avoiding errors when using its functionality. question_20 webform_scale
usability_average usability_average webform_computed_twig
Satisfactory response time of the functionality. question_21 webform_scale
Throughput of the operations close to the specified requirements. question_22 webform_scale
Proper utilisation of memory resources (did you, for example, encounter “low memory” problems?). question_23 webform_scale
Ability for the system to remain operational when pushed to its limits in terms of number of users, frequency of requests, etc. question_24 webform_scale
performance_efficiency_average performance_efficiency_average webform_computed_twig
Sufficiently easy to analyse a failure occurrence. question_25 webform_scale
Sufficiently easy to find the cause of a failure. question_26 webform_scale
Sufficient ability of recording individual activities during operation of the involved services/functions. question_27 webform_scale
Sufficient ability to monitoring the execution status. question_28 webform_scale
Sufficient readiness of services to accept parameterisation. question_29 webform_scale
Sufficient availability of the appropriate mechanisms to be ready for changes at any time. question_30 webform_scale
Sufficient ability to decompose the service/functionality into smaller pieces, without affecting the operation of the others. question_31 webform_scale
Sufficient ability to keeping the effect of the modification of the involved tool/functionality local. question_32 webform_scale
Sufficient availability of information on the tool/component functionality, in order to perform the testing. question_33 webform_scale
Acceptable time needed for testing after a failure resolution. question_34 webform_scale
Sufficient ability to take pieces of the tool/component and use it in another context. question_35 webform_scale
maintainability_average maintainability_average webform_computed_twig
Good adaptability of the tool/component to several hardware and software operation environments and network facilities. question_36 webform_scale
Good adaptability of the tool/component to other infrastructures of water organisations. question_37 webform_scale
Low level of effort required for the tool/component to be adapted to a specific operational environment. question_38 webform_scale
Sufficient documentation for the installation process. question_39 webform_scale
Sufficnent ease and flexibility of installation process. question_40 webform_scale
Sufficient ease of performing subsequent installations. question_41 webform_scale
Sufficient ease of maintaining the tool/component when replacements of other parts of the system happen. question_42 webform_scale
Sufficient ease of maintaining the continuation of the data flows at replacement requests. question_43 webform_scale
portability_average portability_average webform_computed_twig
Sufficient ability to operate within a shared integration environment, together with other tools/components. question_44 webform_scale
Low degree of customisation required when the tool/component needs to co-exist in a specific integration environment. question_45 webform_scale
Sufficient use of standard application programming interfaces. question_46 webform_scale
Sufficient openness and ease of use of the interfaces. question_47 webform_scale
compatibility_average compatibility_average webform_computed_twig
The software ensures that only authorised individuals have access to sensitive data. question_48 webform_scale
The software prevents unauthorised access or modification of data, ensuring data accuracy and consistency. question_49 webform_scale
The software provides evidence of actions or events, making it difficult for involved parties to deny their involvement. question_50 webform_scale
The software traces actions and activities to specific entities, ensuring clear accountability. question_51 webform_scale
The software verifies and ensures the true identity of subjects or resources within the system. question_52 webform_scale
security_average security_average webform_computed_twig
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Funding Support Agencies

EU funding support flag
EU structural funds flag
flag of Republic of Cyprus
CY structural funds
CY Research and Innovation Foundation